New Diesel Technologies May Reduce Pollution

Since 1993, South Houston Engine Service Inc. has specialized in the rebuilding of diesel engines. Individuals interested in the company’s services can reach South Houston Engine Service Inc. at 1-800-477-1833 or online at

For many years, there have been justified concerns about the level of pollutants released by diesel engines. However, recent studies indicate that the development of advanced low-temperature combustion technologies may allow companies to take advantage of the benefits of diesel with the added opportunity to minimize pollution levels.

The major pollutants in diesel exhaust, which are nitrous oxide and particulate matter, form as a result of heat. Molecules of nitrous oxide develop when the diesel fuel ignites; when they dissipate into the air, they merge with other minute pollutants to form smog. Particulate matter released by diesel engines stems from the high concentration of fuel and intense heat in the combustion chamber.

By redirecting the exhaust back into a diesel engine, researchers effectively reduced the heat in the combustion chamber and prevented the formation of a significant amount of nitrous oxide and particulate matter. In addition, returning the exhaust into the engine also decreased the level of pollutants released into the air.

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